We have the answers for your questions

  • What methods of payment do you accept?

    We accept; cash, cheques, EFTPOS (Debit Cards), Visa, Mastercard.

  • Why should I get braces?

    Braces are not just a cosmetic choice to improve a crooked smile, they can fix; underbites, overbites, crossbites and openbites and many other improper functional bite relationships.

  • What is getting braces like?

    Our patients experiences vary depending on the necessary treatment but the general treatment plan is as follows; The first appointment, records, a treatment plan appointment, installation of braces, and finally fitting retainers.

  • Can you fix X problem?

    We can fix many problems associated with teeth and jaws. However for the most accurate response we would need to see your teeth in person, so please book yourself in to see us.

  • What kind of treatments can you provide?

    We offer all kinds of plates and braces, including metal and ceramic braces, as well as Invisalign.

  • How much does it cost?

    The cost of an individual’s orthodontic treatment varies, but for a rough estimate please call or email our friendly staff and they can give you a guide to our costs.

Are you still not finding the answer you’re looking for? Contact us directly and one of our customer service representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Schedule an appointment today!

We’d love to meet you! Click below to get in touch and book and appointment.

Appointment Request

Chatswood Office:

Phone: (02) 9411 5666

Suite 301, 13 Spring Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

Bathurst Office:

Phone: (02) 6332 2299

6/90 Keppel Street Bathurst NSW 2795